Elements of Sound | LAGU VIRAL

Elements of Sound

Over the past several years I've been listening to more and more "normal" music.  By normal I mean music that's not ambient or electronic.  I guess if I had to put a genre on my "normal" listening it would be "indie" which covers a lot of music.

As I said in my Best Albums of 2014 post, Spotify is a big part of my shift in listening habits.  I use it to sample new music & I follow folks who update their new releases playlists.  I'm constantly on the prowl for new music.  It's gotten to be a bit of an obsession really.

I've already done some mixes which stray from the normal ambient path, like Slowcoustic,
Always & Forever.  I will hopefully be doing more mixes that dip into my indie playlists.  Hopefully some louder mixes too.  If anyone is interested here is my Spotify profile where you can find a bunch of playlists...

Spotify Profile

Low Light Mixes has been part of the Mixcloud community for about 5 years.  And because Mixcloud likes to put couldcasts into specific categories I thought it would be cool to add a second Mixcloud profile specifically for mixes that are not as ambient as others.  So here's the link to my new Mixcould profile, Elements of Sound...

EoS on Mixcloud

The new profile doesn't really change much for visitors to this blog because most of what I post on the two Mixcloud pages will be available here.  If you like what you hear from Low lIght Mixes and Elements of Sound let your friends know.  The new EoS profile can use the extra plays and new followers, it trails the Low Light page but about 31,000 followers.  Haha.


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