So that is again the dominant instrument in this mix. Most of the music here is fairly new which includes the Roedelius tune from 2015 - "Gently Falling Snow." Obviously I stole the title for this mix but I think this collection really does have a nice feeling of "gently falling snow."
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T R A C K L I S T :
T R A C K L I S T :
- 00:00 Sonmi451 - I Didn't Know That Cats Could Grin
- 05:00 Olafur Arnalds - Dalur
- 08:10 Johann Johannsson - The Drowned World
- 10:12 Rachel's - NY Snow Globe
- 12:30 Roedelius - Gently Falling Snow
- 14:33 Jason Van Wyk - Kept
- 17:50 Olafur Arnalds - For Now I Am Winter
- 21:35 Chihei Hatakeyama - Coastal Railroads in Memories
- 27:10 Andrew Heath - Requiem
- 34:15 James Murray - Particles
- 39:21 Sonmi451 - Oh My Ears & Whiskers
- 43:30 James Murray - Eyes to the Height
- 47:39 Mike Lazarev - Absent
- 50:00 Taylor Duepree - Snow(dusk dawn)
- 55:20 Jason Van Wyk - Stay
- 58:18 Nils Frahm - Less
- 63:40 end