Bert Jansch - Discografia. | LAGU VIRAL

Bert Jansch - Discografia.

Herbert Jansch (Glasgow, 3 de novembro de 1943 - 05 de outubro de 2011), mais conhecido por Bert Jansch, é um músico escocês, ex-integrante da banda Pentangle.

Bert Jansch, lendário compositor e guitarrista, é largamente reconhecido como um dos músicos mais influentes de todos os tempos. Desde meados dos anos 1960, foram mantidos fãs encantados pelo seu modo de tocar violão extraordinário em canções clássicas. Jimmy Page, Neil Young, Nick Drake, Johnny Marr, Bernard Butler e Beth Orton foram todos fãs, e agora ainda, outra nova geração de fãs e músicos, conduzidos por Devendra Banhart, estão descobrindo Jansch.

Bert começou a executar a sua síntese única de folk, blues e jazz na cena de clubes folk, na primeira metade dos anos 1960, tendo viajado pedindo carona a Londres da sua cidade natal de Edimburgo. O seu primeiro álbum, chamado Bert Jansch, (com um violão emprestado) foi vendido ao selo Transatlântica por 100 libras esterlinas. No seu lançamento em abril de 1965, Bert Jansch causou uma sensação com sua técnica de violão inovadora e canções poderosas e foi fenomenalmente influente, até hoje é, citado por legiões de violonistas (famosos ou não) como uma de suas principais inspirações.

"Bert Jansch" foi seguido por "It Don't Bother Me", e o também pelo Jack Orion, onde Bert já explorava tratamentos inovadores da forma de balada folk tradicional – algo que ele tomou além disso com Pentangle, o supergrupo acústico único que ele formou com John Renbourn, Jacqui McShee, Terry Cox e Danny Thompson. O Pentangle fez seis álbuns e obteve um grau sem precedentes de êxito alcançado por uma banda acústica, viajando o mundo inclusive vário aparecimento em Albert Hall, Carnegie Hall, East Fillmore e West, também.

Depois da separação do Pentangle, em 1973, Bert voltou a uma carreira solo prolífica. Seu vigésimo primeiro álbum solo, Crimson Moon (no qual ele trabalhou pela primeira vez com Johnny Marr e Bernard Butler, fãs seus de longa data), em 2000 foi acompanhado so lançamento de um documentário (Dreamweaver) e uma biografia (Dazzling Stranger: Bert Jansch and the British Folk and Blues Revival, por Colin Harper, reeditada em agosto de 2006, com prefácio de Johnny Marr). Seu próximo álbum Edge of a Dream (com a participação de Bernard Butler, Hope Sandoval, Dave Swarbrick e Ralph McTell), foi lançado em outubro de 2002 , com sucesso de crítica na Europa.

Em 2006 Bert trabalhou com alguns músicos novos no cenário musical no seu novo álbum altamente aclamado, o The Black Swan, (lançado em 18 de setembro de 2006), como o produtor Noah Georgeson (Devendra Banhart - Cripple Crow, Joanna Newsom - Milk-Eyed Mender), e músicos e vocalistas Beth Orton, Devendra Banhart, Otto Hauser (Espers, Vetiver), Helena Espvall (Espers), e Kevin Barker (Currituck Co).

Hoje Bert é ainda tão ativo, inovador e influente como sempre. A maior parte do sua discografia clássica foi remasterizada e suntuosamente re-empacotada com toda a arte original acrescido de mais fotos e outros aditivos. O Pentangle recebeu, em fevereiro de 2007, o Lifetime Achievement Award pela BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2007, e em março de 2007 saiu um box com 4 discos, o The Time Has Come 1967-1973, apresentando o trabalho seminal do Pentangle, com material inédito e/ou raro. Bert foi também recentemente convidado especial de Peter Doherty – outro fã jovem – em apresentações de Doherty no Hackney Empire, e em novembro de 2007, recebeu um doutorado honorário em música da Universidade Napier em Edimburgo. Texto: Last FM. 

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Bert Jansch (1965)
01. Strolling Down The Highway (03:07)
02. Smokey River (02:57)
03. Oh How Your Love Is Strong (03:40)
04. I Have No Time (03:10)
05. Finches (00:51)
06. Rambling's Gonna Be The Death Of Me (03:19)
07. Veronica (01:32)
08. Needle Of Death (03:21)
09. Do You Hear Me Now ? (02:06)
10. Alice's Wonderland (01:47)
11. Running From Home (02:25)
12. Courting Blues (04:02)
13. Casbah (02:11)
14. Dreams Of Love (01:45)
15. Angie (03:16)
Bonus Tracks.
16. Instrumental Medley 1964 (08:45)
17. Angie (Live 1964) (02:51)

It Don't Bother Me (1965)
01. Oh My Babe (04:01)
02. Ring-a-Ding Bird (04:43)
03. Tinker's Blues (01:10)
04. Anti Apartheid (04:06)
05. The Wheel (01:51)
06. A Man I'd Rather Be (02:06)
07. My Lover (04:03)
08. It Don't Bother Me (04:29)
09. Harvest Your Thoughts Of Love (02:15)
10. Lucky Thirteen (03:33)
11. As The Day Grows Longer Now (03:44)
12. So Long (Been On The Road So Long) (03:15)
13. Want My Daddy Now (01:39)
14. 900 Miles (03:02)

Jack Orion (1966)
01. The Waggoner's Lad (03:25)
02. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (01:41)
03. Jack Orion (09:47)
04. The Gardener (01:43)
05. Nottamun Town (04:34)
06. Henry Martin (03:11)
07. Blackwaterside (03:44)
08. Pretty Polly (04:00)

Bert Jansch & John Renbourn - Bert And John (1966)
01. East Wind (01:25)
02. Piano Tune (01:39)
03. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat (03:51)
04. Soho (03:00)
05. Tic-Tocative (01:56)
06. Orlando (01:40)
07. Red's Favorite (01:34)
08. No Exit (01:26)
09. Along the Way (02:04)
10. The Time Has Come (02:55)
11. Stepping Stones (02:43)
12. After the Dance (02:26)
13. The Waggoner's Lad (03:25)
14. Lucky Thirteen (03:34)
15. In This Game (04:08)
16. Dissatisfied Blues (02:52)
17. Hole in the Cole (02:46)
18. Bells (02:50)

Nicola (1967)
01. Go Your Way My Love (04:24)
02. Woe Is Love My Dear (02:21)
03. Nicola (02:52)
04. Come Back Baby (03:01)
05. A Little Sweet Sunshine (02:19)
06. Love Is Teasing (02:08)
07. Rabbit Run (02:43)
08. Life Depends On Love (01:49)
09. Weeping Willow Blues (03:43)
10. Box of Love (02:05)
11. Wish My Baby Was Here (01:43)
12. If The World Isn't There (03:11)
Bonus Tracks.
13. In This Game (04:11)
14. Dissatisfied Blues (02:51)

Birthday Blues (1969)
01. Come Sing Me a Happy Song to Prove We All Can Get Along the Lumpy, ... (02:05)
02. The Bright New Year (01:35)
03. Tree Song (02:37)
04. Poison (03:16)
05. Miss Heather Rosemary Sewell (02:11)
06. I've Got a Woman (05:16)
07. A Woman Like You (04:27)
08. I Am Lonely (02:31)
09. Promised Land (02:52)
10. Birthday Blues (01:15)
11. Wishing Well (02:18)
12. Blues (02:41)

Rosemary Lane (1971)
01. Tell Me, What Is True Love (02:03)
02. Rosemary Lane (04:05)
03. M'Lady Nancy (02:35)
04. A Dream, A Dream, A Dream (02:44)
05. Alman (01:24)
06. Wayward Child (02:07)
07. Nobody's Bar (03:03)
08. Reynardine (05:23)
09. Silly women (03:17)
10. Peregrinations (01:50)
11. Sylvie (04:31)
12. Sarabanda (01:33)
13. Bird Song (02:57)

Moonshine (1973)
01. Yarrow (05:10)
02. Brought With the Rain (02:56)
03. The January Man (03:32)
04. Night Time Blues (07:15)
05. Moonshine (04:57)
06. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (03:01)
07. Rambleaway (04:36)
08. TWA Corbies (03:01)
09. Oh My Father (04:08)

L.A. Turnaround (1974)
01. Fresh As A Sweet Sunday Morning (03:58)
02. Chambertin (04:05)
03. One For Jo (02:39)
04. Travelling Man (02:48)
05. Open Up The Watergate (Let The Sunshine In) (02:41)
06. Stone Monkey (03:11)
07. Of Love And Lullaby (02:29)
08. Needle Of Death (03:25)
09. Lady Nothing (02:33)
10. There Comes A Time (02:38)
11. Cluck Old Hen (03:11)
12. The Blacksmith (03:30)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Open Up The Watergate (Alternate) (03:38)
14. One For Jo (Alternate) (02:42)
15. The Blacksmith (Alternate) (03:40)
16. In The Bleak Midwinter (02:24)

Santa Barbara Honeymoon (1975)
01. Love Anew (03:22)
02. Mary and Joseph (03:21)
03. Be My Friend (02:45)
04. Baby Blue (02:32)
05. Dance Lady Dance (03:37)
06. You Are My Sunshine (03:40)
07. Lost and Gone (03:46)
08. Blues Run the Game (02:52)
09. Build Another Band (03:01)
10. When the Teardrops Fell (04:15)
11. Dynamite (03:50)
12. Buckrabbit (02:57)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Build Another Band (03:23)
14. When the Teardrops Fall (04:31)
15. Lady Nothing (02:32)
16. Dance Lady Dance (02:44)
17. Angie (02:56)
18. One for Jo (03:31)

Poor Mouth (Bootleg 1976)
01. Poor Mouth (02:39)
02. St Fiacre Revenge (01:32)
03. Dragonfly (02:31)
04. Pretty Saro (03:18)
05. Doctor Doctor (02:54)
06. Lost Love (03:10)
07. Candy Man (03:01)
08. Daybreak (02:43)
09. One To A Hundred (02:55)
10. Three Dreamers (02:26)
11. Per's Hose Pipe (01:58)
12. Curragh Of Kildare (04:42)
13. If You See My Love (02:53)
14. Three Chord Trick (02:42)

A Rare Conundrum (1977)
01. Daybreak (02:51)
02. One to a Hundred (03:01)
03. Pretty Saro (03:23)
04. Doctor, Doctor (02:58)
05. 3 A.M. (03:46)
06. The Curragh of Kildare (04:47)
07. Instrumentally Irish (02:02)
08. St. Fiacre (01:36)
09. If You See My Love (02:56)
10. Looking for a Home (03:30)
11. Poor Mouth (02:46)
12. Cat and Mouse (02:35)
13. Three Chord Trick (02:47)
14. Lost Love (03:19)
Bonus Tracks.
15. Three Dreamers (02:30)
16. Dragonfly (02:34)
17. Candyman (03:03)

Avocet (1979)
01. Avocet (18:00)
02. Lapwing (01:34)
03. Bittern (07:50)
04. Kingfisher (03:44)
05. Osprey (03:15)
06. Kittiwake (02:48)

Live From McCabes Guitar Shop (1979)
01. Daybrea (02:38)
02. Intro (00:43)
03. Where Did My Life Go (03:13)
04. Intro (01:42)
05. One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer (03:04)
06. Pretty Saro (03:37)
07. Downriver (03:32)
08. Come Back Baby (02:05)
09. Black Water Side (05:51)
10. Intro (01:28)
11. Ask Your Daddy (03:31)
12. Cat and Mouse (03:09)
13. Fresh as Sweet Sunday Morning (03:02)
14. Running From Home (03:38)
15. Anjii (02:07)
16. DJ Outro (00:21)

Conundrum-Thirteen Down (1980)
01. Una Linea Di Dolcezza (03:35)
02. Let Me Sing And I'm Happy (03:03)
03. Down River (03:14)
04. Nightfall (02:53)
05. If I Had A Lover (02:13)
06. Time And Time Again (03:08)
07. In My Mind (02:20)
08. Sovay (02:52)
09. Where Did My Life Go (02:51)
10. Single Rose (02:48)
11. Ask Your Daddy (02:55)
12. Sweet Mother Earth (03:47)
13. Bridge (02:33)

Heartbreak (1981)
01. Is It Real? (04:00)
02. Up To the Stars (03:01)
03. Give Me the Time (03:30)
04. If I Were a Carpenter (02:53)
05. Wild Mountain Thyme (04:53)
06. Heartbreak Hotel (02:37)
07. Sit Down Beside Me (03:06)
08. No Rhyme Nor Reason (02:36)
09. Blackwater Side (03:38)
10. And Not A Word Was Said (08:36)

Loren Auerbach & Bert Jansch - After The Long Night, Playing The Game (1985)
01. Carousel (04:02)
02. Weeping Willow Blues (03:12)
03. Give Me Love (04:06)
04. I Can't Go Back (03:30)
05. Smiling Faces (04:22)
06. Yarrow (04:27)
07. Playing the Game (04:07)
08. Is it Real? (03:32)
09. Sorrow (03:41)
10. Days and Nights (05:28)
11. The Rainbow Man (05:00)
12. Frozen Beauty (04:48)
13. Christabel (05:03)
14. So Lonely (07:19)
15. The Miller (07:37)

From The Outside (1985)
01. Sweet Rose (03:03)
02. Blackbird In the Morning (03:41)
03. Read All About It (03:05)
04. Change the Song (03:17)
05. Shout (03:18)
06. From the Outside (01:43)
07. If You're Thinking 'Bout Me (02:43)
08. Silver Raindrops (02:43)
09. Why Me (Still Love Her Now That She's Gone) (02:54)
10. Get Out My Life (02:36)
11. Time Is an Old Friend (02:54)
12. River Running (03:18)
13. High Emotion (03:31)
14. I Sure Wanna Know (03:32)
15. From the Inside (01:47)

Bert Jansch And Rod Clements - Leather Launderette (1988)
01. Strolling
Down The Highway (03:15)
02. Sweet Rose (02:58)
03. Brafferton (01:50)
04. Aint No More Cane (On The Brazos) (03:48)
05. Why Me (03:11)
06. Sundown Station (04:49)
07. Knight's Move (04:05)
08. Brownsville (03:54)
09. Bogies Bonny Belle (04:29)
10. Leather Launderette (03:58)
11. Been On the Road So Long (04:01)

Sketches (1990)
01. Ring-A-Ding Bird (03:56)
02. One for Jo (02:55)
03. Poison (03:42)
04. The Old Routine (03:23)
05. Needle of Death (03:54)
06. Oh My Father (03:16)
07. Running, Running from Home (03:00)
08. Afterwards (03:36)
09. Can't Hide Love (03:55)
10. Moonshine (03:36)
11. A Woman Like You (03:46)
12. A Windy Day (06:09)
13. As the Day Grows Longer Now (02:18)

The Ornament Tree (1990)
01. The Ornament Tree (Bonny Portmore) (03:51)
02. The Banks Of Sicily (03:34)
03. The Rambling Boys Of Pleasure (04:40)
04. The Rocky Road To Dublin (02:58)
05. Three Dreamers (03:47)
06. The Mountain Streams (03:49)
07. The Blackbird of Mullamore (04:48)
08. Ladyfair (02:15)
09. The Road Tae Dundee (04:08)
10. Tramps And Hawkers (03:16)
11. The January Man (03:43)
12. Dobbins Flower Vale (03:34)

Bert Jansch & John Renbourn - Freight & Salvage, Berkeley, Ca - 8 Nov 1990 (Bootleg (1990)
CD 1.

01. Bonnie Portmore (04:12)
02. Intro to Mountain Stream (00:59)
03. Mountain Stream (04:34)
04. Intro to Ramblin' Boys of Pleasure (00:40)
05. Ramblin' Boys Of Pleasure (03:59)
06. Intro to Let Me Sing (01:14)
07. Let Me Sing (03:26)
08. One For Jo (03:31)
09. Intro to Blackbird Of Mullamor (01:09)
10. Blackbird Of Mullamor (03:36)
11. Intro to Ever Yes Ever No (01:05)
12. Ever Yes Ever No (03:10)
13. John Renbourn intro (00:51)
14. My Sweet Potato (04:36)
15. Great Dreams From Heaven (06:41)
16. Intro to Lord Franklin (03:29)
17. Lord Franklin (03:58)
18. Intro to Little Niles (00:21)
19. Little Niles (06:13)
20. Intro to Lindsay (01:06)
21. Lindsay (06:29)
22. Intro to Sandwood Down To Kyle (00:36)
23. Sandwood Down To Kyle (06:49)

CD 2.

01. The Time Has Come (04:55)
02. Intro to Bittern (00:52)
03. Bittern (05:09)
04. Intro to The Heart of Soho (02:07)
05. The Heart Of Soho (03:09)
06. Intro to Song of the Borderlands (01:48)
07. Song Of The Borderlands (03:22)
08. Intro to Avocet (00:25)
09. Avocet (04:38)
10. Intro to Omie Wise (00:37)
11. Omie Wise (Cut) (03:08)

Bert Jansch & John Renbourn - After The Dance 1966 Bert And John (1992)
01. Tic-Tocative (01:58)
02. Waltz (05:06)
03. Piano Tune (01:41)
04. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat (03:52)
05. Hole in the Coal (05:23)
06. The Wagoner's Lad (03:28)
07. Lucky Thirteen (03:35)
08. Three-Part Thing (02:29)
09. Stepping Stones (02:44)
10. Red's Favourite (01:35)
11. No Exit (01:26)
12. Orlando (01:41)
13. Bells (04:00)
14. East Wind (01:26)
15. After the Dance (02:27)

John Renbourn, Bert Jansch & Jacqui McShee - 1992-04-10 Northampton, MA, Iron Horse (Bootleg 1992)
01. Introduction (00:41)
02. Blues Run The Game (03:51)
03. Trouble In Mind (03:30)
04. Lindsey (06:29)
05. Sandwood Down To Kyle (08:55)
06. First Light (06:16)
07. Paper Houses (04:45)
08. Bruton Town (05:42)
09. The Time Has Come (04:30)
10. Sally Free & Easy (03:51)
11. When I Was In My Prime (05:40)
12. Baron Of Brackley (07:22)
13. Chasing Love (03:53)
14. If I Had a Lover (03:14)
15. Come Back Baby (04:22)
16. Sovay (03:06)
17. Cruel Sister (06:12)
18. I've Got a Feeling (04:35)


BBC Radio 1 Live In Concert (1993)
01. Poor Mouth (03:54)
02. Running From Home (02:51)
03. Kingfisher (03:32)
04. Let Me Sing (03:21)
05. Sovay (03:35)
06. Alimony (03:30)
07. Love Is Lost (02:06)
08. Fresh As A Sweet Sunday Morning (04:43)
09. Up To The Stars (03:06)
10. If I Were A Carpenter (02:50)
11. Sit Down Beside Me (02:54)
12. Is It Real? (04:39)
13. Heartbreak Hotel (02:48)

When The Circus Comes To Town (1995)
01. Walk Quietly By (02:53)
02. Open Road (03:46)
03. Back Home (03:51)
04. No-One Around (02:54)
05. Step Back (03:54)
06. When The Circus Comes To Town (02:27)
07. Summer Heat (03:54)
08. Just A Dream (03:44)
09. The Lady Doctor From Ashington (01:59)
10. Stealing The Night Away (03:27)
11. Honey Don't You Understand (03:52)
12. Born With The Blues (02:47)
13. Morning Brings Peace Of Mind (03:16)
14. Living In The Shadows (04:00)

Live At The 12 Bar (Bootleg 1996)
01. Summer Heat (04:22)
02. Curragh of Kildare (03:58)
03. Walk Quietly By (02:58)
04. Come Back Baby (02:54)
05. Blackwaterslide (04:19)
06. Fresh as a Sweet Sunday Morning (03:12)
07. Morning Brings Peace of Mind (03:09)
08. The Lily of the West (04:18)
09. Kingfisher (02:40)
10. Trouble In Mind (02:54)
11. Just a Dream (03:18)
12. Blues Run the Game (03:21)
13. Let Me Sing (03:22)
14. Strolling Down the Highway (03:02)
15. Woman Like You (03:57)
16. Instrumental (Betts Dance) (02:34)

Toy Balloon (1998)
01. Carnival (04:26)
02. She Moved Through The Fair (04:56)
03. All I Got (03:17)
04. Bett's Dance (02:46)
05. Toy Balloon (03:33)
06. Waitin & Wonderin (04:14)
07. Hey Doc (02:46)
08. Sweet Talking Lady (03:59)
09. Paper Houses (03:01)
10. Born And Bred In Old Ireland (03:11)
11. How It All Came Down (04:41)
12. Just A Simple Soul (03:55)

Young Man Blues: Live In Glasgow 1962-1964 (1998)
01. Something's Coming (From West Side Story) (02:00)
02. Careless Love (03:32)
03. Veronica (02:35)
04. When Do I Get To Be Called A Man (02:58)
05. Courting Blues (02:29)
06. Medley: Angi / Work Song (02:09)
07. Tic-Tocative (01:47)
08. Alice's Wonderland (01:37)
09. Meanest Man In The Town (02:19)
10. Joint Control (02:23)
11. Bottle It Up And Go (02:32)
12. Untitled Instrumental #1 (01:36)
13. Train Song (01:40)
14. Stagolee (04:06)
15. Rocking Chair Blues (02:18)
16. Me And My Baby Never Used To Have A Fight (02:02)
17. Finches (00:46)
18. Blues Run The Game (02:44)
19. Pretty Polly (03:05)
20. Come Back Baby (02:26)
21. Untitled Instrumental #2 (00:56)
22. I Am Lonely, I Am Lost (03:01)
23. Freedom (02:49)
24. One Day Old aka You're One Day Old And No Damn Good (02:25)
25. Train On The River (03:07)
26. Hallelujah I Love Her So (02:32)
27. Strolling Down The Highway (03:08)
28. Gallows Tree (02:02)
29. Betty And Dupree (04:49)
30. Dry Land Blues (02:02)

Crimson Moon (2000)
01. Caledonia (04:49)
02. Going Home (03:13)
03. Crimson Moon (05:27)
04. Downunder (02:54)
05. October Song (03:41)
06. Looking For Love (04:26)
07. Fool's Mate (07:00)
08. The River Bank (02:53)
09. Omie Wise (05:01)
10. My Donald (04:04)
11. Neptune's Daughter (03:21)
12. Singing The Blues (02:17)

Downunder-Live In Australia (2001)
01. Blues Run The Game (00:37)
02. Come Back Baby (03:34)
03. Lily Of The West (04:15)
04. Paper Houses (03:10)
05. Toy Balloon (03:59)
06. My Donald (02:58)
07. Born And Bred In Old Ireland (03:05)
08. Sho Moved Through The Fair (05:22)
09. Carnival (04:32)
10. Little Max (03:25)
11. Strollin Down The Highway (03:20)
12. Angie (01:34)
13. Currah Of Kildare (04:21)
14. Downunder (05:00)
15. How It All Came Down (04:15)

Dazzling Stranger (Coletânea 2002)
CD 1.

01. Strolling Down The Highway (03:05)
02. Angie (03:13)
03. Running From Home (02:23)
04. Needle of Death (03:21)
05. It Don't Bother Me (04:29)
06. Lucky Thirteen (03:36)
07. Blackwaterslide (03:47)
08. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (01:42)
09. Soho (03:00)
10. Rabbit Run (02:42)
11. Woe Is Love My Dear (02:19)
12. Bells (04:01)
13. Wishing Well (02:16)
14. Poison (03:15)
15. I Am Lonely (02:30)
16. Train Song (04:46)
17. Nobody's Bar (03:01)
18. The January Man (03:33)
19. Reynardine (05:21)
20. Rosemary Lane (04:04)
21. When I Get Home (05:01)
22. Oh My Father (04:10)

CD 2.

01. Fresh as a Sweet Sunday Morning (04:05)
02. Lost and Gone (03:41)
03. The Blacksmith (03:30)
04. Chambertin (04:04)
05. You are My Sunshine (03:36)
06. Blues Run The Game (02:49)
08. Sweet Mother Earth (03:49)
09. Where Did My Life Go? (02:55)
10. Blackbird In The Morning (03:38)
11. Playing The Game (04:08)
12. Is It Real? (03:33)
13. Lady Fair (02:15)
14. The Old Routine (03:25)
15. Three Dreamers (03:47)
16. The Ornament Tree (03:50)
17. Summer Heat (03:55)
18. Morning Brings Peace Of Mind (03:18)
19. Carnival (04:23)
20. Toy Balloon (For Little Anna-Rebecca) (03:32)
21. Looking For Love (04:26)
22. October Song (03:41)

Edge Of A Dream (2002)
01. On the Edge of a Dream (02:36)
02. All This Remains (04:44)
03. What Is On Your Mind (03:26)
04. Sweet Death (03:53)
05. I Cannot Keep From Crying (04:07)
06. La Luna (03:15)
07. Gypsy Dave (02:44)
08. Walking This Road (03:17)
09. The Quiet Joys of Brotherhood (05:31)
10. Black Cat Blues (03:08)
11. Bright Sunny Morning (04:09)


Legend The Classic Recordings (Coletânea 2003)
01. The Time Has Come (02:56)
02. 900 Miles (03:06)
03. Nottamun Town (04:37)
04. Blues Run The Game (03:13)
05. Angie (03:13)
06. Come Back Baby (02:59)
07. Soho (03:02)
08. Rosemary Lane (04:04)
09. Do You Hear Me Now (02:07)
10. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat (03:52)
11. A Woman Like You (04:24)
12. Blackwater Side (03:48)
13. Tinker's Blues (01:06)
14. In This Town (04:09)
15. Bruton Town (05:43)
16. Nicola (02:51)
17. Weeping Willow Blues (03:42)
18. The Gardener (01:46)
19. It Don't Bother Me (04:28)
20. Needle Of Death (03:19)

On The Edge Of A Dream (Single 2003)
01. On The Edge Of A Dream (Rock Baby Rock) (02:41)
02. Walking This Road (Acoustic) (03:16)
03. Crimson Moon (05:25)

The River Sessions (Live 2004)
01. Build Another Band (04:14)
02. I've Got A Feeling (05:23)
03. One For Jo (03:48)
04. The Blacksmith (04:08)
05. Travellin' Man (04:01)
06. Lady Nothynges Toye Puffe (02:29)
07. Fresh As A Sweet Sunday Morning (04:08)
08. Angi (05:32)
09. Stone Monkey (05:19)
10. Dance Lady Dance (02:33)
11. When I Get Home (04:47)
12. In The Bleak Mid-Winter (03:27)
13. Key To The Highway (04:22)
14. Chambertin (03:48)

The Black Swan (2006)
01. The Black Swan (06:25)
02. High Days (03:48)
03. When The Sun Comes Up (03:55)
04. Katie Cruel (03:00)
05. My Pockets Empty (03:50)
06. Watch The Stars (02:55)
07. A Woman Like You (04:14)
08. The Old Triangle (04:07)
09. Bring Your Religion (03:06)
10. Texas Cowboy Blues (03:08)
11. Magdalina's Dance (03:19)
12. Hey Pretty Girl (03:03)

Sweet Sweet Music (Live 2012)
01. It Don't Bother Me (04:22)
02. Strolling Down the Highway (03:59)
03. Blackwaterslide (04:57)
04. My Pocket's Empty Baby (03:19)
05. Fresh As a Sweet Sunday Morning (03:24)
06. Rosemary Lane (03:49)
07. Blues Run the Game (03:17)
08. Courting Blues (02:47)
09. Reynardine (04:05)
10. Poison (04:34)
11. October Song (04:01)
12. Hey Pretty Girl (03:41)

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