The Color of Space - guest mix by Mike G of Ambient Music Guide | LAGU VIRAL

The Color of Space - guest mix by Mike G of Ambient Music Guide

I've done a lot of mixes over the last ten years.  Obviously I try to have a theme or mood for each mix.  It can get difficult come up with new motifs.  That's why I love the idea that Mike G of Ambient Music Guide had last year.  We decided to trade guest mixes and he suggested we each send each other a few mix titles and that we select one and build the mix off of that title.  It really gets me thinking differently and can help get me out of a rut when looking for mix inspiration.

This mix is the second guest mix from Mike.  I love getting these mixes because so often there are artists or genres I normally don't use but that I love listening to.  This mix exemplifies that perfectly.  I don't listen to as much "space" music as I used to and as I lost myself in this mix I realized that I really need to revisit this style of ambient more often.  I am looking forward to using this as a stargazing soundtrack when I vacation in northern Wisconsin later this summer.

This is what Mike had to say about The Color of Space...
"Space is a theme with multiple meanings and is woven throughout much 
modern ambient and downtempo instrumental music. My mix The Color Space
is a soundtrack of the cosmos. All the music has a cosmic feel, whether
it be one of inner space, outer space or the indefinable regions between."

Thanks Mike!

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