LAY - LOSE CONTROLLOSE CONTROLLançamento: 28/10/201601. LOSE CONTROL (失控)02. what U need?03. TONIGHT04. MYM05. MYM (acoustic ver.)06. RELAX (守望)GOOGLE DRIVE…Read More...
I.O.I - miss me?miss me?Lançamento: 17/10/201601. 너무너무너무02. 잠깐만03. 내 말대로 해줘04. PING PONG05. 음 어쩌면MEGA…Read More...
VIXX - KratosKratosLançamento: 31/10/201601. The Closer02. Desperate03. Shooting Star04. Good Night & Good Morning05. 로맨스는 끝났다06. The Closer (In…Read More...
Berry Good - GLORYGLORYLançamento: 01/11/201601. 안 믿을래02. 하나하나 (1 to 10)03. 나와 사랑을 해04. Sugar Sugar05. 안 믿을래 (Inst.)GOOGLE DRIVE…Read More...