Download Kumpulan Lagu Green Day Full Album Terlengkap,Lagu viral?kembali lagi dengan blog yang selalu mengulas band maupun penyanyi yang memiliki jiwa viral dalam bermusik kali ini yang saya bahas adalah band Punk Rock asal Amerika "Green Day"mereka di bentuk tahun 1987 denga Trio mautnya Billie Joe Amstrong, Mike Dirnt dan Tre Cool,mereka juga sangat di akui dunia sebagai metronom kembalinya musik Punk Rock karena kesuksesan karier mereka.
Green Day merilis album pertama mereka bertajuk 39/Smooth.Kemudian Green Day kembali merilis album pada tahun 1994,"Dookie, yang dan berhasil membawa Green Day menuju puncak karier mereka,namun itu tak membuat karier mereka menjadi selalu mulus terbukti di album ketiganya dan album2 selanjutnya Insomniac, Nimrod, dan Warning, gagal mendapatkan sukses Meski Insomniac dan Nimrod berhasil mendapatkan status platinum dan Warning mendapatkan status emas, ketiga album tersebut justru memperlihatkan popularitas mereka yang secara keseluruhan menurun drastis,sebelum akhirya mereka merilis album yg begitu venomenal American Idiot, yang mengembalikan popularitas mereka menanjak terbukti American Idiot terjual lebih dari 5 juta copy di Amerika Serikat sendiri.Album kedelapan mereka, 21st Century Breakdown, dirilis pada 2009 dan berhasil merajai chart Bilboard 200.
Green Day telah menjual lebih dari 65 juta copy album mereka di seluruh dunia dengan 24,639 juta di Amerika Serikat sendiri. Green Day telah banyak sekali memenangkan berbagai penghargaan seperti 5 penghargaan Grammy Awards: Best Alternative Album untuk Dookie, Best Rock Album untukAmerican Idiot, Record of the Year untuk "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", Best Rock Album untuk kedua kalinya untuk 21st Century Breakdown dan Best Musical Show Album itulah prestasi mereka,itulah sedikit profil dari Green Day semoga bermanfat.
Download Kumpulan Lagu Green Day Terlengkap Mp3
Album 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours (1990)- The Judge's Daughter (4.88 MB)
- Road To Acceptance (3.99 MB)
- Rest (5.76 MB)
- Going To Pasalacqua (3.01 MB)
- I Want to Be Alone (4.34 MB)
- 16 (3.81 MB)
- Disappearing Boy (4.64 MB)
- I Was There (3.46 MB)
- Don't Leave Me (3.80 MB)
- Paper Lanterns (3.87 MB)
- Why Do You Want Him? (3.51 MB)
- 409 in Your Coffeemaker (4.00 MB)
- Knowledge (4.78 MB)
- 1000 Hours (3.35 MB)
- Dry Ice (3.51 MB)
- Only of You (3.81 MB)
- The One i Want (2.77 MB)
- At the Library (3.36 MB)
Album Kerplunk (1992)
- Best Think in Town (2.39 MB)
- Strangeland (2.47 MB)
- Sweet Children (2.06 MB)
- Who Wrote Holden Caulfiels? (3.02 MB)
- Words I Might Have Ate (2.84 MB)
- No One Knows (3.87 MB)
- Android (3.27 MB)
- 80 (3.87 MB)
- Dominated Love Slave (2.07 MB)
- One Of My Lies (2.65 MB)
- Private Ale (2.75 MB)
- Christie Road (3.77 MB)
- One for the Razorbacks (2.16 MB)
- Welcome To Paradise (6.73 MB)
- 2000 Light Years Away (4.77 MB)
Album Dookie (1994)
- Pulling Teeth (3.22 MB)
- In The End (2.55 MB)
- Chump (3.58 MB)
- Emenius Sleepus (1.80 MB)
- Burnout (2.90 MB)
- When I Come Around (3.67 MB)
- Welcome To Paradise (4.40 MB)
- She (3.00 MB)
- Sassafras Roots (3.33 MB)
- Longview (4.42 MB)
- Having A Blast (3.44 MB)
- Coming Clean (2.37 MB)
- F.O.D (Fuck Of and Die) (5.36 MB)
- Basket Case (3.72 MB)
- All By Myself (2.37 MB)
Album Insomniac (1995)
- Walking Contradiction (4.34 MB)
- Westbound Sign (3.81 MB)
- Stuart And The Ave (3.58 MB)
- Panic Song (5.64 MB)
- No Pride (3.97 MB)
- Jaded (2.82 MB)
- Brain Stew (5.17 MB)
- Babs Uvula Who (3.70 MB)
- Brat (2.36 MB)
- 86 (3.35 MB)
- Stuck With Me (5.92 MB)
- Geek Stink Breath (5.94 MB)
- Armatage Shanks (3.88 MB)
Album Nimrod (1997)
- Platypus (I Hate You) (3.92 MB)
- Nice Guys Finish Last (7.17 MB)
- Worry Rock (4.04 MB)
- Uptight (3.49 MB)
- Walking Alone (4.52 MB)
- The Grouch (2.69 MB)
- Take Back (2.27 MB)
- Scattered (4.85 MB)
- Reject (3.56 MB)
- Redundant (8.22 MB)
- Prosthetic Head (5.67 MB)
- Last Ride In (5.02 MB)
- King For A Day (5.11 MB)
- Jinx (2.44 MB)
- Haushinka (5.38 MB)
- Hitchin' A Ride (7.22 MB)
- All the Time (3.66 MB)
- Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) (4.19 MB)
Album Warning (2000)
- Waiting (4.29 MB)
- Minority (3.85 MB)
- Macy's Day Parade (4.99 MB)
- Jackass (3.71 MB)
- Warning (4.85 MB)
- Misery (6.46 MB)
- Fashion Victim (3.83 MB)
- Deadbeat Holiday (4.71 MB)
- Castaway (5.01 MB)
- Hold On (3.98 MB)
- Church On Sunday (4.40 MB)
- Blood, Sex and Booze (4.62 MB)
Album International Superhits! (2001)
- When I Come Around (3.32 MB)
- Welcome To Paradise (4.04 MB)
- Walking Contradiction (2.90 MB)
href="" target="_blank">Stuck With Me (2.65 MB)She (2.63 MB) Redundant (3.62 MB) Poprocks & Coke (3.00 MB) Nice Guys Finish Last (3.18 MB) Minority (3.13 MB) Maria (3.13 MB) Longview (4.07 MB) Jaded (1.94 MB) J.a.r. (Jason Andrew Relva) (3.22 MB) Hitchin' A Ride (2.22 MB) Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) (2.98 MB) Geek Stink Breath (2.68 MB) Brain Stew (3.57 MB) Basket Case (3.36 MB)
Album Shenanigans (2002)
Album American Idiot (2004)
Album 21st Century Breakdown (2009)
Album ¡Uno! (2012)
Album ¡Dos! (2012)
Album ¡Tré! (2012)
Album Demolicious (2014)
Album Shenanigans (2002)
- You Lied (2.93 MB)
- Tired Of Waiting For You (3.03 MB)
- Suffocate (3.36 MB)
- Sick Of Me (2.64 MB)
- Scumbag (2.31 MB)
- Rotting (3.32 MB)
- Outsider (2.79 MB)
- On The Wagon (3.26 MB)
- I Want To Be On TV (1.87 MB)
- Ha Ha You're Dead (3.55 MB)
- Espionage (3.81 MB)
- Don't Wanna Fall In Love (2.21 MB)
- Do Da Da (2.08 MB)
- Desensitized (3.26 MB)
Album American Idiot (2004)
- American Idiot (3.79 MB)
- When I Come Around (3.86 MB)
- Whatsername (5.28 MB)
- Wake Me Up When September Ends (5.91 MB)
- Time of Your Life (3.39 MB)
- ST. Jimmy (3.81 MB)
- She's A Rebel (2.76 MB)
- Minority (3.66 MB)
- Macy's Day Parade (4.53 MB)
- Letterbomb (5.16 MB)
- Jesus of Suburbia (10.92 MB)
- I Fought The Law (3.65 MB)
- Homecoming (11.12 MB)
- Holiday (4.90 MB)
- Hitchin' A Ride (3.73 MB)
- Give Me Novacaine (4.39 MB)
- Extraordinary Girl (4.55 MB)
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams (5.44 MB)
- Basket Case (3.96 MB)
- Are We Waiting (3.57 MB)
Album 21st Century Breakdown (2009)
- The Static Age (4.65 MB)
- Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl) (4.33 MB)
- Song Of The Century (1.62 MB)
- Peacemaker (3.85 MB)
- Restless Heart Syndrome (4.70 MB)
- Murder City (3.40 MB)
- Last Of The American Girls (4.26 MB)
- Last Night On Earth (4.34 MB)
- Know Your Enemy (3.64 MB)
- Horseshoes And Handgrenades (3.70 MB)
- East Jesus Nowhere (4.93 MB)
- Christian's Inferno (3.59 MB)
- Before The Lobotomy (4.96 MB)
- 21st Century Breakdown (5.45 MB)
- 21 Guns (9.39 MB)
- iViva La Gloria! (3.95 MB)
Album ¡Uno! (2012)
- Stay The Night (7.15 MB)
- Troublemaker (3.35 MB)
- Rusty James (4.65 MB)
- Sweet 16 (3.64 MB)
- Oh Love (5.45 MB)
- Nuclear Family (6.38 MB)
- Loss Of Control (3.68 MB)
- Let Yourself Go (3.51 MB)
- Kill the DJ (4.22 MB)
- Fell For You (3.72 MB)
- Carpe Diem (3.95 MB)
- Angel Blue (3.38 MB)
Album ¡Dos! (2012)
- Wow! That's Loud (4.91 MB)
- Wild One (4.77 MB)
- Stray Heart (4.24 MB)
- See You Tonight (1.83 MB)
- Stop When the Red Lights Flash (3.04 MB)
- Nightlife (Feat. Lady Cobra) (3.63 MB)
- Makeout Party (3.77 MB)
- Lazy Bones (4.08 MB)
- Lady Cobra (2.73 MB)
- Fuck Time (3.34 MB)
- Baby Eyes (2.98 MB)
- Ashley (3.41 MB)
- get-title=Stray Heart" target="_blank">Stray Heart (4.24 MB)
Album ¡Tré! (2012)
- X-Kid (4.08 MB)
- Walk Away (4.16 MB)
- The Forgotten (5.27 MB)
- Sex, Drugs Violence (3.94 MB)
- Missing You (4.12 MB)
- Dirty Rotten Bastards (6.61 MB)
- Drama Queen (3.60 MB)
- Brutal Love (5.21 MB)
- A Little Boy Named Train (4.03 MB)
- Amanda (2.99 MB)
- 99 Revolutions (4.21 MB)
- 8th Avenue Serenade (3.13 MB)
Album Demolicious (2014)
- Stay The Night (Demo) (7.32 MB)
- Stray Heart (Demo) (4.42 MB)
- Stay The Night (Acoustic) (3.87 MB)
- State Of Shock (3.24 MB)
- Rusty James (Demo) (4.83 MB)
- Sex, Drugs Violence (Demo) (4.22 MB)
- Oh Love (Demo) (5.63 MB)
- Nuclear Family (Demo) (6.56 MB)
- Missing You (Demo) (4.40 MB)
- Makeout Party (Demo) (3.95 MB)
- Let Yourself Go (Demo) (3.69 MB)
- Fell For You (Demo) (3.90 MB)
- Carpe Diem (Demo) (4.12 MB)
- Baby Eyes (Demo) (3.16 MB)
- Ashley (Demo) (3.59 MB)
- Angel Blue (Demo) (3.56 MB)
- A Little Boy Named Train (Demo)
Kami hanya memberikan review sebagai refrensi musik kalian untuk mencari lagu yang kekinian dan pastinya sangat viral.untuk mendukung penyanyi dan pencipta lagu belilah CD original dan gunakan RBT resminya.Untuk kunjunganya ke blog kami saya ucapkan terimakasih,untuk kritik dan saran silahkan komen di bawah ini???.