I was planning on making a rain mix sometime this fall & I was planning on making a dub mix as well. Then I realized that those two theme as perfect for each other. So here is the appropriately titled mix "dubby & rainy."
I love how a lot of ambient dub tunes already sound sort of "rainy." They make liberal use of white noise which is great for conjuring a rainy atmosphere. So many of these tracks already sound & feel "rainy" that I didn't have to add much rain fx.
T R A C K L I S T:
- 00:00 DeepChord - Morning
- 01:00 Segue - Rain Drone
- 03:20 Mind Over MIDI - Soften By Rainfall
- 07:05 Fieldhead - I'm Fond of Maps
- 09:50 Optical Frameworks - Silenced Streets, Reflections in Rain
- 14:00 As If - Trip 5
- 18:50 Donato Dozzy - Vaporware 1
sans-serif;">23:05 Shaded Explorer - Sea Mist28:30 DeepChord - Prayer Wheel 32:44 Loscil - Angel of List 37:37 krill.minima - Serpentine 39:00 Marco Madia - Hydrotropism 41:00 Mr. Cloudy - DS4 48:20 AES DANA - Beneath 52:10 Blamstrain - Sunday Dub 57:57 Ethernet - Rain Elemental 61:50 Deepchord - Neon and Rain 65:20 Deepchord - Day's End 66:50 Variant - After the Rain 78:30 Ethernet - After Dark 86:24 end