Grab a cup of coffee and the paper with this mix as your Sunday soundtrack.
This iteration of the Sunday morning series uses mostly new music including a couple of great Bob Dylan covers from Sarah Jarosz and Phosphorescent. I couldn't resist starting the mix with the wonderful "Morning" from Beck's new release. I found this track on a mix by Bob Duskis over at Six Degrees Records. Check out their excellent mix on Mixcloud here...SixDegreesRecords
From there we move on to a beautiful, jazzy track from Philémon Chante that I have been itching to use for a while. That cut is from his album called Les Sessions Cubaines which you can find on Bandcamp here...Philémon Chante
There a couple soundtracks represented in the mix from two of the best films of 2013, "Her" and "Nebraska." Arcade Fire and Owen Pallett collaborated for the "Her" soundtrack, with two cuts in this mix. Mark Orton did the beautifully simple soundtrack for "Nebraska" and it shows up here in the track "The Old Compressor Escape." I've got an Americana mix waiting in the wings which will have more from that soundtrack.
One of my other favs is the cut from Bill Callahan. He remixed his 2013 album, "Dream River," as a dub album called "Have Fun With God." It's fantastic!
[ s t r e a m ] [ d o w n l o a d ] [ i t u n e s ]
T R A C K L I S T :
- 00:00 Beck - Morning
- 05:12 M. Ostermeier - Sunlight on My Desk
- 07:55 Sam Prekop - A Cloud to the Back
- 11:30 Philémon Chante - J'arrive toujours un peu trop tard
- 15:40
pre;"> Sarah Jarosz - Simple Twist of Fate20:20 Mark Orton - The Old Compressor Escape 22:50 Thievery Corporation - le coeur (feat lou lou ghelichkhani) 25:45 Assia Cunego - Canto Ostinato Section 25-30 29:00 Segue - slow mornings 34:00 Bill Callahan - Small Dub 37:45 Arcade Fire and Owen Pallett - Dimensions 40:34 Darcy James Argue's Secret Society - An Invitation 43:08 Nick Cave - Into My Arms 47:17 Phosphorescent - Tomorrow is a Long Time 51:30 Paul Buchanan - Mid Air 53:45 Arcade Fire and Owen Pallett - We're All Leaving 56:17 end